The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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310 lines
.....This is help message number 0.
<1>11\05 'Bank/Tax record keeping
.....Selection on this and other MENUS in this program are made by
either moving the cursor (the arrow at the left) up or down by means
of the cursor keys, then pressing <ENTER>, OR by selecting the number
of the item you wish to select.
.....When this selection is made, another menu is presented that
gives you the ability to manage your bank and tax records.
<2>10\08 ' Income tax estimating
.....Selection of this MAIN MENU item brings up a routine that
estimates federal income taxes. Data can be input from files
generated by the Bank/Tax Record and the Home Business Account-
ing sections of PC-MONEY, or can be input from the keyboard.
<3>13\07 home business accounting
.....When this selection is made, another menu is presented that
gives you the ability to maintain an accounting system for a
small ("home") business. It enables you, at any time, to see
your current income, to examine your journal entries, or to
display or print a balance statement.
<4>05\07 Initialization
.....This selection displays a form for you to fill out. The
form contains information that is usually filled in one time
only. However, if you wish to change any "initialization" item,
select this menu item and enter the new info on the form.
<5>05\20 quit
.....Select this MAIN MENU item to quit
the PC-MONEY program.
<6>05\07 spare
.....This is help message #6.
<7>12\10 Print query
.....Answer this question with an N if you want only to
display the output on the computer's screen. Answer with
a Y if you wish to print the output on paper. In this
case, you should make sure your printer is turned on and
that the paper is lined up at the place you wish to shart
<8>16\10 ALL Okay query.
.....If your input is satisfactory, reply with a Y. If
you want to change any item on the form, answer with an N.
If you do NOT want to record the data on the form, type X.
<9>14\08 any corrections?
.......If you wish to make corrections to any record, answer
Y and then you will be queried as to which record you wish
to correct.
<10>05\06 spare
...... help #10.
<11>13\07 Enter BAnk data
.......Selection of this menu item permits you to enter
withdrawals or deposits to a selected bank account. This
is done by means of a "form" which you fill out on the screen.
Any such transactions which also affect your tax records are
automatically added to your tax records at the same time.
<12>16\07 display/print/correct bank data
......Another menu is shown when you select this item. It makes
it possible for you to select just how you wish to display or
print your bank account data.
<13>16\06 balance accout
.....Select this menu item when you wish to reconcile your
bank account with your bank's statement. Items which have cleared
your bank are automatically marked 'C' in your file.
<14>05\08 enter tax records
.....You may enter items directly into your tax file by selecting
this menu item. This is done via a "form" on the screen which
you fill out.
<15>05\08 display tax records
.....To display, print, or correct any tax record, make this
selection. You are then presented with a sub-menu which permits
your further selection as to which tax records you wish to see.
<16>05\14 return to main
.....Select this item to return to the MAIN MENU
<17>10\10 current year query.
......If you want to use a bank account file for the current
year, enter a Y. If for another year, enter N and then you
will be asked for the last two digits of the desired year.
<18>10\10 Balance change?
..... You have changed the amount of your deposit or withdrawal.
If you want the program to change your current balance bank bal-
ance by this amount, answer with a Y. This action is NOT valid
if you have changed this transaction from a Withdrawal to a Deposit
or vice versa.
NOTE: your balance can be changed to a correct amount by selecting
Record #0 and altering the AMOUNT on that record.
<19>01\01 spare
.....message number 19
<20>01\01 spare
.....message number 20
<21>16\10 display all bank records
.....Select this menu item to display or print ALL the
records in your bank file.
<22>16\10 display by check numbers
..... On selection of this item, you will be asked to identify
the check numbers you wish to display or print. For example,
you can enter 100-110 to see checks number 100 through 110.
<23>10\10 display by status
..... Use this selection to display all Cleared or all
Open bank items.
<24>10\10 display by budget code
..... If you have assigned budget codes to your transactions,
you may display or print them by selecting this menu item and
then identifying which code you wish to see.
<25>10\10 display by payee/payor
..... Withdrawals and deposits by payee or payors you identify
can be displayed or printed by selecting this menu item.
<26>10\10 display by purpose
..... Select here if you wish to display your transactions
by their "purpose".
<27>10\10 display by starting date
..... If you select this item, you will be asked for a starting
month. The program then displays (or prints if you so choose)
all transactions during and after that month.
<28>10\10 return to main
.....Select this item to return to the MAIN MENU
<29>01\01 spare
.....message number 29
<30>05\05 Initial (INCTAX) Data input screen
.....Fill the blanks on this screen by typing. You may use the
ENTER key to move from blank to blank. Also, the Tab Key and
the reverse Tab (Shift + <TAB>) move from blank to blank. The
Up and Down cursor keys move from row to row.
.....If you leave the date blank, today's date will be used.
.....You must select, in the last blank, the way your tax data
is to be entered into the program. If you choose P, data de-
veloped by PC-MONEY Bank Account & Tax Management module will be
used. You can supplement this from the keyboard.
<31>11\05 Display entire tax file
.....All records in the Tax File are displayed or printed
if this menu item is selected.
<32>10\08 display by tax codes
..... You may see all of your tax records pertaining to a
particular tax code, or group of tax codes, by selecting
this menu item
<33>13\07 dispay by Payee/Payor
.... Selection here results in the query as to which Payee or
Payor records you wish to display/print.
<34>05\07 display by purpose
..... Select this item to display or print your tax records
which have been identifited for a specific purpose.
<35>05\20 Return to main
.....Select this item to return to the MAIN MENU
<36>05\07 spare
...... message 36.
<37>05\06 Summary Change query.
.....If you answer this query with Y, you will be shown two
screens that show the totals for all the tax items. You
can then change as many of these as you wish and then return
to this screen.
<38>05\06 Print summary query
.....Answer Y to print this summary on paper. Be sure
your printer is turned on and has paper lined up at the
proper starting place.
<39>05\06 Save Data query
...... If you answer <Y>, you will then be asked for a file name.
The program saves the TOTALS (not the details) of each of the 40
Tax items. You may then use these totals for later runs of this
program, making changes at that time as appropiate.
<40>05\06 See Details query
...... Answer <Y> if you wish to display or print details of
pages one and two of the tax form 1040.
<41>15\04 Make Journal Entries
..... Selection of this menu item permits you to enter items in your
journal by means of a "form" on which you fill the blanks on the screen.
These items will be identified by both Credit and Debit accounts.
<42>16\07 display/print/correct journal
..... You may display or print your journal entries in a number
of different ways. Selection of this item will then display a
sub-menu which allows you to select how you wish to see your
<43>16\06 display general ledger
..... You may display or print all of your transactions
or a selected ledger account.
<44>05\08 display income statement
...... This section calculates your income statement between
dates that you select.
<45>05\08 display balance sheet
..... Your Balance Sheet as of a selected date is displayed
or printed when you choose this menu item.
<46>05\08 print bills
..... Bills, or invoices, are printed with this selection.
The name and address of the "project" must have been ident-
ified previously by use of the "MANAGE PROJECT FILE" section.
<47>05\14 Manage project file
...... Projects can be modified or initially entered
under this selection. Account codes for Income and for
expenses can be identified to match the requirements of
your business.
<48>10\10 return to main
.....Select this item to return to the MAIN MENU
<49>01\01 spare
.....message number 49
<50>01\01 spare
.....message number 50
<51>16\10 JOURNAL Display by proj number
..... Displays or prints those journal entries
which pertain to a project which you select.
<52>16\10 by transac number
..... Displays or prints journal entries beginning
with a transaction number which you select.
<53>04\15 by beginning date
..... Displays/prints journal entries beginning with
a date which you select.
<54>05\14 by account code
..... Displays or prints journal entries pertaining
to the account number which you select.
<55>05\15 by payee
..... Displays/prints journal entries pertaining to
a payee which you enter from the keyboard.
<56>05\15 return to homebiz menu
..... Returns to the Home Business Accounting Menu.
<57>01\01 spare
.....message number 57
<58>01\01 spare
.....message number 58
<59>01\01 spare
.....message number 59
<60>01\01 spare
.....message number 60
<61>10\10 Add project
..... Select this menu item to add a project to your
project list.
<62>10\10 Modify project
..... You may change the name, address, status, etc.
of any of your previously recorded projects with this selection.
<63>15\05 modify account codes
.... Five Income Account codes and 18 Expense Account Codes can be
changed by selecting this item. This is normally done ONLY when you
first set up your Home Business accounting system. This is because
codes that have previously been used for recording your transactions
will be recorded for the wrong purpose if you change the meaning of
the code later.
<64>16\10 return
..... Selection here returns you to the Home Business Menu.
<65>01\01 spare
.....message number 65
<66>01\01 spare
.....message number 66